“… And in Antioch the disciples were for the first time called Christians” – Acts 11:26
Christianus Sum, “I am Christian”. For many, the word “Christian” is merely an adjective, describing one aspect of thier earthly lives. People label themselves “Christian” because that is the religion they have chosen for themselves. But for the Christians in Antioch and for the martyrs, who surrendered their lives with the confession of Christ on their lips, Christianus Sum was so much more than an adjective or a label. It was a statement of identity forged in communion with Christ. It not only described their life; it was their lives. Being a Christian is more fundamental than personal names, families, ethnicities, or nations; it is more essential to our being than careers or economic status. At Christ’s altar these things are left behind and forgotten as we receive a new identity. We are Christians.
Venue Info
Camp Monroe, 24501 Camp Road, Laurel Hill, NC 28351, USA
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